The Drug That Keeps Me Going

DCalero a.k.a -=Omen-Ra=-
Marlon I. Calero
Miami Springs FL. U.S.A

Without it, I would be nobody I would have no personality

Nor guidance. I would have never met the words: hard work

And dedication. I would probably be a quitter, but those two

Words taught me not to be quitter. I am addicted to it, how

Couldn’t I. I use it every day for hours, but hey, it’s the drug

That keeps me going.

I can perfectly remember how it works and how much I abuse

It to get to the next level a then a higher level. I start feeling

Cravings, they are so strong I can feel it going into my blood

Stream like heroin in an addicts veins. My heart starts beating

Faster and I can no longer control myself I want the drug that

Keeps me going.

I can feel it in my hands like if I was touching it even thought

It’s not there. It talks to me I can hear it calling me I feel my

Body needing it. My mind starts going crazy it leave’s my body

In addition, I start going into a profound daydream, as I start seeing

nothing beyond my eyes. I start seeing myself using the drug that

Keeps me going.

Even if I am so far away from it. I see myself creating something

Unique when I use it. It helps me keep my mind in peace with my

Body creating perfect harmony where I am beyond distraction.

I feel I’m in total control it erases all my problems and worries while

I’m on it even if I know they are still there. And I use the little anger

Left in me that my drug couldn’t take and I use it to keep me going

With My drug so when my body says no more my mind says a little

More and you know mind over body.

God bless the time I was introduced to it, I knew from that time it

Was going to be with me for the rest of my life and it was going to

Be a part of my life also. It’s the perfect drug because once it’s

Introduced to you it will never leave your body and mind it leaves

A craving in you asking you for more. Few are the ones that get

over it.

It came from the streets and I pray to god it doesn’t die in a mist

Where people didn't even know it existed, appreciated, or understood it

I hope I could introduce to the world the drug that keeps me going

So that everyone could experience it’s mystique power but one can

Only do so much. But I’ll fight to keep it alive and show it to the world

Long live, the drug that keeps me going.