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What is this?  A wheelie where you are coasting?  Easy right...

Well let me tell you- it sucks.  WHEELIES aren't the easiest trick in the world.   They are just the trick that every kid on every block knows about and wants to see.   Manuals are wheelies times ten.  When you get better at them they can be done without brakes- but to begin with it is recommended that you have brakes available and learn the brake control.

Manuals can be done all by themselves on flatland, or can be combined with about a million different street tricks- including grinds, manualling through jumps, to any lip trick, and across platforms...  The possibilities are endless...  but remember- most riders learn this trick because they practice it EVERY time they ride.  For some it comes easier- for others it is a long slow process.

If you have a good photo of this trick to submit, click here!

  • Learn this trick on flatland first- something flat- not uphill or downhill.  If you don't have the 'perfect' surface a slight downhill will be fine.
  • Ride at a medium speed holding the bars and standing normally on the pedals.
  • Be level over the bike- arms slightly bent- legs slightly bent.
  • Snap your butt back behind the seat and keep your arms and legs slightly bent.
  • NOTE:  Bending your arms excessively WILL pull the front wheel up but you will NOT be able to control the manual- this is a HUGE mistake for most beginners.
  • Your weight should be way back and the front wheel should only be about a foot off the ground...  Your body weight acts as a lever to keep the front wheel up.
  • Keep your eyes focused on a point about 10-20 feet in front of you.  Looking STRAIGHT DOWN will throw your balance off.
  • To control the manual do NOT start throwing your body around.  Control is achieved by slightly bending your elbows and knees.  This will change where your body is and alter your center of gravity slightly.
  • To ride out tilt your head slightly forward to shift your weight forward or tap your brakes.

The biggest problem with beginners is NOT getting your body far enough behind the seat to create a stable center of gravity.  The other biggest problem is riders throwing their body around to much while trying to balance.  The LESS you move your body around the easier manuals will start to become.

Example Photo Of This Trick - Click To Enlarge